Our Features

No coding required

You don't need to be a developer or have any programming knowledge :)

Make money

Potential to make millions of dollar with your own tokens!

Be proud

Share your tokens with your family, friends and the world


No questions asked refund if you don't receive your tokens

Expand your business to the Metaverse

You can raise funds for your business, use your tokens for payment and a lot more. Ready to take your business to the next level.

Automatic Contract Verification

Your contract will be verified automatically after deployment. Also source code will be publicly availalbe on scan websites.

Newest Compiler Version

Make sure your contract is well optimized and save gas fees. It also increases security of your contract.

No Copyrights

We don't add any copyright to the deployed contracts.

Full Ownership

You are the only owner of your contracts with total control.

Unique Contracts

100% unique contracts, no duplicates, show "Exact Match" on BscScan, EtherScan and others.

Last updated