Taxes and Fees
If I put Liquidity Fees at x% (for example 5%), then deploy the contract. After that, can I change the fee?
Yes, you can change the fees and taxes after deployment.
How to edit/change marketing tax?
If you go to BscScan or EtherScan, you'll find the write contract section. Go to the update/set marketing tax function and enter the value you want to change. Ex: enter 5 to set marketing tax to 5%.
How to edit/change liquidity fee?
You go to BscScan or EtherScan, and you'll find the write contract section. Go to the update/set liquidity fee function and enter them value you want to change. Ex: enter 5 to set liquidity fee to 5%.
How do I change taxes?
You go to your token address page from BscScan, EtherScan or other scan websites. You'll find the write contract section. Click on Connect Web3 button. Next find the function named setTaxes, setFees or similar (with some token types, it will be setMartketingTax or setCharityTax etc...) and enter the correct value.
Usually, you will enter the percentage value of the taxes. (Ex: enter 5 to have 5% taxes). If your token supports float values of taxes, you will need to enter the whole number, the first number, and the second number before the decimal separately.
How do I set fees for Pro token?
You go to your token address page from BscScan, EtherScan or other scan websites. You'll find the write contract section. Click on Connect Web3 button. Next find the function named setAllFeePercent.
Case 1: Your token has rewards for holders
Enter: 0, liquidityFee, burnFee, marketingFee, buybackFee, charityFee, rewardFee (Ex: 0,1,2,1,2,3)
Case 2: Your token doesn't have rewards for holders
Enter: 1, liquidityFee, burnFee, marketingFee, buybackFee, charityFee, rewardFee (Ex: 1,1,2,1,2,0)
Why don't I receive any tax?
Because your token contract needs to collect enough taxes before distributing it.
The default threshold for tokens is around 1/1000 of the total supply. If your token contract has setSwapAmount or setSwapTokensAtAmount functions, you can change that default value. Also, it requires selling transactions to your token contract to send taxes.
I am creating a Pro token. Can I change the tax % later, or will it be fixed?Yes, you can change it later.
Why Max Tx doesn't work correctly in my Pro token, people can buy full wallet?
In the recent version of Pro token, Max Tx only works for sell transactions so holders can buy freely but he will be limited by Max Wallet. However, we're working on options of Max Tx for both buy and sell.
I forgot to select BNB tax for marketing/charity in my Pro Token, how do I change it?
You go to your token address page from BscScan, EtherScan or other scan websites. You'll find the write contract section. Click on Connect Web3 button.
You can set the function setWalletFeeTokenType (for marketing wallet) or setWalletCharityFeeTokenType (for charity wallet) to "true" and click write. (Look for function number 28 to 30 in recent version of Pro Token)
I forgot to select ETH tax for marketing/charity in my Pro Token, how do I change it?
You go to your token address page from BscScan, EtherScan or other scan websites. You'll find the write contract section. Click on Connect Web3 button.
You can set the function setWalletFeeTokenType (for marketing wallet) or setWalletCharityFeeTokenType (for charity wallet) to "true" and click write. (Look for function number 28 to 30 in recent version of Pro Token)
Why is the transaction fee so high?
There are 2 cases: - if you see alert "This transaction will fail" or similar with a very high fee (ex: 0.2-0.5 BNB for BSC network), it is certain that the transaction will fail, don't process to confirm that transaction. Make sure you use the owner address to interact with your contract and enter the correct values. - your contract needs to distribute rewards to holders.
Why don't I receive BNB/ETH tax for marketing/charity wallet in my Pro token?
Firstly, you go to your wallet address page, click on "Internal Tnxs", if you see that there is at least one transaction in which your wallet receives BNB/ETH recently, then the contract works correctly.
If it's not the case, probably you forgot to select "Send fee in BNB/ETH" when creating tokens. Don't worry, you can change it anytime.
You go to your token address page from BscScan, EtherScan or other scan websites. You'll find the write contract section. Click on Connect Web3 button.
You can set the function setWalletFeeTokenType (for marketing wallet) or setWalletCharityFeeTokenType (for charity wallet) to "true" and click write. (Look for function number 28 to 30 in the recent version of Pro Token)
Why I can't change tax to 0% after deployment?
Yes, you can. However, it only applies to Marketing Tax token and Pro token. For other types of tokens, you can change the tax to minimum of 1% (Ex: you can try to set marketing tax to 1% and liquidity tax to 0% or vice versa if you need to reduce the tax to minimum)
I sent token airdrops to my list but they don't receive reward tokens, what should I do?
In the old version of the Reward token, when you airdrop your tokens, it doesn't qualify for dividends. In order to bypass this issue, the holders can do a tiny buy/sell transaction, afterwards they will receive dividends.
How do I recover BNB/ETH stuck in my token contract?
Case 1: Check if your contract has the function "recoverFunds". If yes, you can call that function to get back all stuck funds. There are 2 versions of this function, if it requires an input value, you enter "0", if not you can just call that function.
Case 2: If you have a Pro contract, you can setup in a way that your contract will use all the stuck funds to buyback your own tokens, so all the funds will go back your liquidity pool.
Step 1: Make sure you token has buybackFee. If not, go to the function number 19 setAllFeePercent, and enter correct value:
taxFee: 1
liquidityFee: 0
burnFee: 0
marketingFee: 0
buybackFee: 1
charityFee: 0
rewardFee: 0
Step 2: Calculate and setBuybackUpperLimit.
Check how many BNB/ETH stuck in your contract. Ex: 1 BNB, go to the function setBuybackUpperLimit (number 20), enter 100 (multiple the stuck amount to 100, Ex: if 1.5 BNB stuck, then enter 150). You may try a smaller value if this step causes your token can't sell in the step 3.
Step 3: Use a normal wallet to buy and sell (any amount), to trigger the buyback.
Finally, if this works, you can change the tax above back to normal. Make sure that:
The first taxFee has value of 1 or 0:
1: normal token without reward
0: reward token
That first taxFee and rewardFee canβt be both 0.
If both solutions don't work, you can't recover the stuck funds.
What is the Max Tx percentage (%)?
It's the maximum percentage of total supply allowed for each transaction. Ex: 1% Max Tx and total supply is 10M tokens, it means your token contract doesn't allow any transaction with more than 10K tokens. However owner of contract can be excluded from that limit if he excludes his address from max tx limit (applied for Pro Token) and the token contract itself is generally excluded from Max Tx limit, so it can swap freely to distribute taxes.
What is the Max Wallet percentage (%)?
It's the maximum percentage of total supply allowed for a holder. Ex: 2% Max Tx and total supply is 10M tokens, it means no one allows to hold more than 20k tokens. However owner of contract can be excluded from that limit if he excludes his address from max wallet limit (applied for Pro Token) and the token contract itself is generally excluded from Max Wallet limit, so it can swap freely to distribute taxes.
What does centitax mean?
One centi is 0.01. Ex: when your contract has centitax of 500, it means 5%. Contract type such as Marketing tax offers the ability to use float number for taxes, so owners can select very precise value for taxes (0.12% or 1.23%). To change the taxes, you just need to find the setBuyTax or setSellTax function and enter values correctly. Ex: you want to have 1.23% for taxes. Enter 1,2 and 3 in the order of the function. 1: _wholeNumber 2: _firstNumberAfterDecimal 3: _secondNumberAfterDecimal It's similar if you want to change other values of that token type likes maxTx or maxWallet.
Last updated